Fall 2022 update

Where the heck is BlaqPanel headed?

We’ve been really quiet for a while. Head down in the sand and also taking a much needed break from our exhaustive development.

Earlier in the year, I set out to create the best WordPress hosting solution I could think of for myself. I had all these crazy demands and ideas in my head. And as with most things…they were much harder to build than I expected.

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Why the need for BlaqPanel?

BlaqPanel is the child of my frustration for the existing webhosting industry.

After managing servers for many years now and despite having clout and close relationships with founders, devs, engineers from many hosting companies…none have managed to build a panel exactly the way I wanted.

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BlaqPanel officially in beta

What the hell are we doing?

Scheming…that’s what. Scheming of a new future for webhosting. Things are still rough and unfinished but we look make steady progress on this. More feature changes, more UI changes, probably some pricing changes to go along with that as well. While it’s been ok for me, I don’t know how well it’ll be in production for other folks. We simply haven’t tested this enough in the real world to know what kind of issues will come up. And thus, the label “beta”.

So enjoy the ride…because it WILL be a ride! (Use BlaqPanel at your own risk.)